Welcome to Hammer Andersen 

Executive Search

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, securing the right executives and board members is crucial for a company's success. Companies face increased competition and pressure to meet shareholder expectations, making effective leadership more important than ever. Our Board and Executive recruitment in the Nordics is designed to help you navigate these challenges. 

Since our inception in 2006, we have grown to become a leading recruitment firm, specializing in placing top-tier talent. 

Hammer Andersen excels in recruiting board members, top executives and middle managers across diverse leadership roles. We place Board members, CEO's, CFO's, COO's, CCO's, VP's, country managers, regional directors, department heads and middle managers. Our recruitment expertise spans Denmark and international markets, with a focus on  Board, C-, V-, D-, and B-suite roles. 

Since 2006 we have placed more than 2500 candidates in our four business units. Many of the executives we placed in the first years are still in their companies - at the same or at a higher level. 

Our offices are located in Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark. 

We typically present a strong selection of candidates within 4 - 6 weeks. Most board and executive recruitments are conducted through a discreet search process. 

We provide a 12-month replacement warranty for board members and executives. Replacements are seldom and we consistently fulfill our engagements successfully.  

In our recruitments, we use highly validated Big 5 personal tests, which measures competencies and indicates future behaviour. Executives also measure for leadership impact and risk profile. In addition, we can also measure cognitive abilities - intelligence tests that can be compiled according to the content of the job.

We offer in-depth background candidate checks - for fiduciary positions. Hammer Andersen will receive and check the candidate's resume and diplomas. We also perform reference checks and criminal records. In addition we offer in-depth background check on the final candidate. This is done via our independent partner, CERTA.

Our belief is that a candidate's track record is a strong indicator of future performance.

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Recruitment process

A structured recruitment process will ensure the best candidate for the job!

Recruitment decisions are complex. How can we make sure that the candidate will meet expectations? Does the candidate have the right knowledge and skills for the job? Is the candidate the perfect fit for the organizational culture? Ultimately hiring decisions always feels subjective.

Objectivity is imperative!
To remove as much subjectivity from the process as possible, the recruitment process must entail thorough candidate assessment. The hiring manager must be able to make an informed decision. We will assist with just that.

We deploy a structured recruitment process and have rich access to candidates. We assist with recruitment of executives and members of the board. We source, evaluate and present candidates, who can become part of the company's leadership team.

Our structured method ensures that candidates are thoroughly and objectively assessed. Search processes are basically a ‘numbers game’ where a large quantity results in a high-quality outcome. We have minimum requirements for the number of candidates to be sourced - depending on the type of job opening. This is agreed with the customer.

1. Preparation

  • Company analysis; Board, executive team, objectives, strategy, organization
  • Job analysis, job profile and candidate requirements
  • Search criteria

2. Generating candidates

  • Search / headhunting for candidates in the market.
  • This is where we spend the most time and resources!W
  • We usually evaluate 100 - 300 executive profiles
  • We only contact the most relevant candidates

3. Selection of candidates for Round 1

  • Screening - informal dialogue via phone interviews with approx. 25 - 30 candidates
  • Structured interviews, at least 10

4. Round 1 - Presentation

  • As our client you will meet the top 5 candidates after 4 - 6 weeks
  • Normally 3 candidates are selected for round 2.

5. In depth Assessment of Candidates for Round 2

  • Candidate personality analysis/test 
    Executives: Competencies, Leadership Impact, Risk and Cultural Match Analysis
    Key employees: Competencies and Cultural Match Analysis
  • Cognitive test (intelligence test)

6. Round 2 - Presentation

  • You will meet the chosen candidates who will present a customized case
  • Dialogue based on the personality test results including the candidate's feedback

7. Reference Check

  • We conduct reference checks with 2 - 3 former managers
  • Possible extra in-depth candidate check

8. Round 3 and possibly 4

  • Finally, you meet the carefully selected final candidate again for a final interview

9. Contract

  • We offer you mediation in the contract negotiations

10. Success.

Once our candidate is employed, the candidate will get access to Hammer Andersen for 6 months. All our recruitments include coaching sessions free of charge for the company. We will guide and coach the new executive to ensure a great start in the new job.

Replacement warranty

A 12-month warranty is provided for executives. If the candidate stop within the warranty period, we will recruit a new candidate for the position at no extra charge.

Extra in-depth background checks on candidates - for fiduciary positions

Hammer Andersen will receive and check the candidate's resume and diplomas. We also perform reference checks and criminal records. In addition we offer in-depth background check on the final candidate. This is done via our partner, CERTA Intelligence & Security. CERTA is based on the competencies, working methods and procedures used by intelligence and security services. 

Vi kan vores metier

Hammer Andersen består af 5 forretningsenheder; Commercial, Digital, Executive, Finance & Admin og Industrial.

Hammer Andersen startede i 2006 og har placeret mere end 2500 mennesker på alle niveauer.

Vi rekrutterer primært i Danmark. Vi har også rekrutteret i Sverige, Norge, Finland, Holland, Tyskland, Frankrig, England, USA, Canada, Sydamerika og Australien.

Hammer Andersen har stærke kundereferencer og blev 2 år i træk udnævnt til Danmarks bedste rekrutteringsvirksomhed. (Supana kundemåling)